Our purpose in word, in deeds, and by example is to with all readiness, provide Hazel Crest Assembly Church service as it relates to the "Ministry of Souls". We primarily aid candidates in the process of salvation by water baptism (in Jesus name) and receiving of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in another tongue as the spirit of God gives utterance. In addition, we aid the body of Christ in reconciliation, restoration, and healing (physical and spiritual) by breaking the yokes and strongholds of the devil, setting the captives free, and loosening the bands of wickedness through the effectual operations of the gifts of the spirit, anointing of oil, laying on of hands, prayer and fasting.
The Mission of the Hazel Crest Assembly Church Brotherhood is to maintain the fellowship amongst the men in the Church. The Brotherhood shall be the will of the Lord our God be on one accord preserving the doctrine of Jesus Christ and the teachings of the Pastor of this church, Suffragan Bishop Eddie G. Richards Jr.
Our children's church ministry aims to guide and assist youth who desire a real personal relationship with God, to equip them with the tools to be successful in this noble a necessary endeavor.
The Sunday School Department will provide the opportunity to grow spiritually for all ages. The Word of God is the main focus for achieving this goal. Tools to motivate students will be provided through Sunday school classes, vacation bible school, and the men and women of God that give of themselves through study, fasting, and pray. I Timothy 2:15
We endeavor to inspire and equip young ladies to understand their value in Christ and the Kingdom. We accomplish this by building their character, self esteem, academic performance and knowledge of God's word. Through this process they gain the ability to sustain better interpersonal relationships with family, peers, and the world at large, emerging as "God's Precious Gems."
We have a 1st and 2nd chef in addition to experts in pastry, and in short orders for cookouts and community activities. All foods are prepared on site, and our culinary staff stands ready to provide "natural" food to the people of God. Psalm 34:8 - "O Taste and see that the Lord is good."
In Mark 16:15-16 Jesus said, "Go into all the world, and preach the gospel, he that believeth shall be saved and he that believeth not shall be damned. As Jesus Christ commanded, our mission is to open the eyes of mankind through the power of His Word. The Word can release mankind from the power of the enemy unto God, so that they receive forgiveness of sin and the inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith. Evangelism is what we are, and what we do.
Our mission is to serve God through serving His people. Our objectives are to (1) provide emergency medical services, (2) provide information and care for existing health care issues, and (3) provide information for preventative care and health/wellness promotion.
Our mission is S.E.N.I.O.R.S. 'S' - Share our faith to motivate others to come to Christ. 'E' - Encourage others to live a committed life in Christ. 'N' - Nourish Biblical truth to never forget the benefits of living a holy life. 'I' - Inspire others to love the Lord. 'O' - Operate in wisdom and provide instructions for living a holy committed life. 'R' - Rejoice and participate in activities that foster spiritual growth, heath and wholesome fellowship. 'S' - Support the homebound with Christian encouragement. Titus 2:1-7, Psalm 90:12.
Our mission is to provide and maintain a sanitary church atmosphere and environment that will create a pleasant place to worship and fellowship. Our hallmark is faithful and continuous dedication to the maintenance of the house of God, at Hazel Crest Assembly Church. Thereby creating a facility attractive to our visitors, the community we serve, and our congregation.
The mission of the Ministerial Alliance is to glorify God our Savior Jesus Christ in every endeavor, both spiritually and naturally and to advance the kingdom of God. We also assist our Pastor in carrying forth God's program that's designated in the Holy Scriptures, (i.e. teaching and preaching the gospel truth etc.). II Timothy 2:15, Ephesians 4:11-12
Mission is what we're called to be about since the day we were saved. One simple definition for mission is this: one or more persons are sent forth into the world with authority for a specific purpose. Now we understand so very plainly, that wherever we are, and at all of our places of duty or station in life, we're on a mission for Jesus. Philippians 4:8
The chief purpose of the Ministers, Deacons and Officers Wives is to serve God through serving God's people. We believe that to serve God we must live a spirit-filled and sanctified life exemplified by one's behavior and action. We will be continually reminded of the Word of God as we serve God's people that we are one in Christ, that we need one another, and that we must serve one another in love. Ephesians 4:16
Praising as we strive for excellence! Paul wrote to the Ephesians to be ".... filled with the spirit; speaking to yourselves in Psalms, Hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord". (Ephesians 5; 18, 19) Our purpose is to glorify God with song and music, to sing with the spirit and also with the understanding, (I Corinthians14: 15), for the edification of the church body and to set the table for our receipt of the spoken word of God. We strive to fulfill this purpose through our Sanctuary Choir, Praise Teams, Children's Choir, Musicians and the HCAC Mass Choir.
As saints and ministers of the Gospel, we have been commissioned by Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior to witness and preach deliverance to the captives and set at liberty them that are bruised (Luke 4:18). This is our charge and mission at Hazel Crest Assembly church under the spiritual guidance of our Pastor, Suffragan Bishop Eddie G. Richards Jr.
Our mission is to glorify our Savior, even Jesus Christ, who gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar people zealous of good works. To advance the kingdom of God through the promotion of scholarships on behalf of the church, to individuals who qualify, and are members at large and attending Hazel Crest Assembly Church.
The Singles Ministry of Hazel Crest Assembly Church consists of singles and single again. Single men and women ages 19-30, 30-45, and 45 and beyond are invited to join. Our unique place in Christ (singleness), allows us to more readily serve in the kingdom of God. Feel free to join us, as we enjoy singleness in Christ.
The Ushers at Hazel Crest Assembly Church are Spirit-filled saints of God whose mission is to meet, greet, and seat members and visitors in the House of God. Under the guidance and direction of our Pastor, Suffragan Bishop Eddie G. Richards Jr., we assist with maintaining order to promote the Spirit of Fellowship. We are ready to serve because we know that in serving others, we serve the Lord Jesus Christ. Psalm 84:10 "For a day in thy courts is better than a thousand. I had rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God, than to dwell in the tents of wickedness."
Our assignment is to administer and encourage the Young People in a manner that will result in spiritual and social growth.